- Tailwind CSS Accordion
- Tailwind CSS Alert
- Tailwind CSS Avatar
- Dropdown example
- Dropdown hover
- Delay duration
- Dropdown divider
- carousels
- date Picker
- lists
- lists Group
- Legend indicator
- Progress
- Skelton
- Tailwind Css Ratings
- Tailwind css Spinners
- Tailwind Css Icons staick
- Tailwind Css Stipper
- Tailwind Css Toats
- Dropdown with checkbox
- Background hover
- Tailwind css Timeline
- Helper text
- navBar
- Section
- Tabs
- Countdown Timer
Des services à fort impact pour votre entreprise
Stratégie et
réseaux sociaux
Notre équipe crée du contenu engageant et partageable qui trouve un écho auprès de votre public et génère du trafic organique.
websites et plateforme web
Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création de sites Web visuellement époustouflants et conviviaux qui correspondent à votre identité de marque et offrent un contenu exceptionnel.
productions visuel
Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création de sites Web visuellement époustouflants et conviviaux qui correspondent à votre identité de marque et offrent un contenu exceptionnel.
<section class="py-24 bg-gradient-to-r from-[#165974] via-[#4AA175] to-[#73B94D]">
<h1 class="font-bold text-white text-5xl leading-[4rem] pb-8 text-center md:max-w-3xl md:mx-auto px-1.5">
Des services à fort impact
pour votre entreprise
<div class="my-10 px-6 flex flex-col gap-10 md:flex-row items-stretch md:max-w-7xl md:mx-auto">
<div class="group bg-white px-4 py-8 hover:bg-[#165974] duration-1000 rounded-3xl flex-1">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-6 h-full">
class="bg-[#165974] w-[60px] h-[60px] px-4 py-4 rounded-full group-hover:bg-white duration-1000 ">
<svg class=" stroke-white group-hover:stroke-[#165974] duration-1000 " width="25"
height="25" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="">
d="M9.91508 26.6413L1.5 30L4.85874 21.5849M9.91508 26.6413L27.4018 9.15454M9.91508 26.6413L9.24234 22.2566L4.85874 21.5849M4.85874 21.5849L22.3455 4.09819M27.4018 9.15454L22.3455 4.09819M27.4018 9.15454L28.9718 7.58452C30.3681 6.18825 30.3681 3.92445 28.9718 2.52817V2.52817C27.5756 1.1319 25.3118 1.1319 23.9155 2.52817L22.3455 4.09819"
stroke-width="2.36842" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<h1 class="text-[#165974] text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-white duration-1000 ">Stratégie et
contenu <br>
réseaux sociaux</h1>
<p class="text-[#165974] max-w-[332px] group-hover:text-white duration-1000 ">
Notre équipe crée du contenu engageant et partageable qui trouve un écho auprès de votre public
et génère du trafic organique.
<div class="group bg-white px-4 py-8 hover:bg-[#165974] duration-1000 rounded-3xl flex-1">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-6 h-full">
class="bg-[#165974] w-[60px] h-[60px] px-4 py-4 rounded-full group-hover:bg-white duration-1000 ">
<svg class=" stroke-white group-hover:stroke-[#165974] duration-1000 " width="25"
height="25" viewBox="0 0 35 35" fill="none" xmlns="">
d="M27.3491 11.9896C27.3491 13.7977 25.8358 15.2635 23.9691 15.2635C22.1024 15.2635 20.5891 13.7977 20.5891 11.9896C20.5891 10.1814 22.1024 8.71564 23.9691 8.71564C25.8358 8.71564 27.3491 10.1814 27.3491 11.9896Z"
stroke-width="1.65" />
d="M14.7949 11.9896C14.7949 13.7977 13.2816 15.2635 11.4149 15.2635C9.54817 15.2635 8.0349 13.7977 8.0349 11.9896C8.0349 10.1814 9.54817 8.71564 11.4149 8.71564C13.2816 8.71564 14.7949 10.1814 14.7949 11.9896Z"
stroke-width="1.65" />
d="M15.7606 23.2145C15.7606 25.0226 14.2473 26.4884 12.3806 26.4884C10.5139 26.4884 9.00061 25.0226 9.00061 23.2145C9.00061 21.4063 10.5139 19.9406 12.3806 19.9406C14.2473 19.9406 15.7606 21.4063 15.7606 23.2145Z"
stroke-width="1.65" />
d="M33.9966 13.1802C33.7962 4.86495 21.706 -0.340288 12.9008 1.26032C4.09565 2.86093 -0.164172 11.5373 1.27492 19.9405C2.6741 28.1108 11.8977 33.9717 17.692 33.9717C23.4862 33.9717 28.3148 31.1655 24.2409 27.8215C23.1075 26.9432 22.1844 25.8372 21.5353 24.5797C20.5616 22.6934 22.3234 20.0005 24.4923 20.1856C28.894 20.5613 34.1529 19.6644 33.9966 13.1802Z"
stroke-width="1.65" />
<h1 class="text-[#165974] text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-white duration-1000 ">websites et
plateforme web</h1>
<p class="text-[#165974] max-w-[332px] group-hover:text-white duration-1000 ">
Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création de sites Web visuellement époustouflants et conviviaux
qui correspondent à votre identité de marque et offrent un contenu exceptionnel.
<div class="group bg-white px-4 py-8 hover:bg-[#165974] duration-1000 rounded-3xl flex-1">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-6 h-full">
class="bg-[#165974] w-[60px] h-[60px] px-4 py-4 rounded-full group-hover:bg-white duration-1000 ">
<svg class=" stroke-white group-hover:stroke-[#165974] duration-1000 " width="25"
height="25" viewBox="0 0 35 35" fill="none" xmlns="">
d="M27.3491 11.9896C27.3491 13.7977 25.8358 15.2635 23.9691 15.2635C22.1024 15.2635 20.5891 13.7977 20.5891 11.9896C20.5891 10.1814 22.1024 8.71564 23.9691 8.71564C25.8358 8.71564 27.3491 10.1814 27.3491 11.9896Z"
stroke-width="1.65" />
d="M14.7949 11.9896C14.7949 13.7977 13.2816 15.2635 11.4149 15.2635C9.54817 15.2635 8.0349 13.7977 8.0349 11.9896C8.0349 10.1814 9.54817 8.71564 11.4149 8.71564C13.2816 8.71564 14.7949 10.1814 14.7949 11.9896Z"
stroke-width="1.65" />
d="M15.7606 23.2145C15.7606 25.0226 14.2473 26.4884 12.3806 26.4884C10.5139 26.4884 9.00061 25.0226 9.00061 23.2145C9.00061 21.4063 10.5139 19.9406 12.3806 19.9406C14.2473 19.9406 15.7606 21.4063 15.7606 23.2145Z"
stroke-width="1.65" />
d="M33.9966 13.1802C33.7962 4.86495 21.706 -0.340288 12.9008 1.26032C4.09565 2.86093 -0.164172 11.5373 1.27492 19.9405C2.6741 28.1108 11.8977 33.9717 17.692 33.9717C23.4862 33.9717 28.3148 31.1655 24.2409 27.8215C23.1075 26.9432 22.1844 25.8372 21.5353 24.5797C20.5616 22.6934 22.3234 20.0005 24.4923 20.1856C28.894 20.5613 34.1529 19.6644 33.9966 13.1802Z"
stroke-width="1.65" />
<h1 class="text-[#165974] text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-white duration-1000 ">productions
<p class="text-[#165974] max-w-[332px] group-hover:text-white duration-1000 ">
Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création de sites Web visuellement époustouflants et conviviaux
qui correspondent à votre identité de marque et offrent un contenu exceptionnel.

“Be genuine in your assessment, and provide constructive feedback to benefit both potential customers and the company providing the product or service.”
<section class="py-24">
class="mx-6 p-4 md:max-w-5xl md:mx-auto bg-[#F4F4F4] flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-4 rounded-2xl">
<img class="w-[100px]" src="./imgs/avatar.png" alt="">
<p class="text-center font-bold text-lg">
“Be genuine in your assessment, and provide constructive feedback to benefit both potential customers
and the company providing the product or service.”
<div class="flex flex-col justify-center text-center">
<span class="font-bold">Jacqueline Miller</span>
<span>CEO of an eduport</span>
<div class="flex items-center gap-4">
<div class="bg-[#165974] border border-[#165974] px-3.5 py-2 rounded-full"><span class="text-white">
< </span>
<div class="px-3.5 py-2 border border-black rounded-full"><span>></span></div>
<div class="mt-5 flex justify-center">
class="group bg-[#165974] text-white font-medium hover:bg-white hover:text-[#165974] duration-700 flex items-center gap-2 px-3 py-2 rounded-full">
<div class="bg-white group-hover:bg-[#165974] px-2.5 py-1 rounded-full"><span
class="text-[#165974] group-hover:text-white duration-700">></span></div>Contact us